Thursday, December 31, 2020

Facades & Misconceptions About Socialism


Socialism is not always recognised or understood because of the facades and misconceptions. For example, many believe that fascists (e.g., Nazis) are right-wingers and fascism is a right-wing movement because they merely compare fascism to communism. This is like comparing a scalene triangle and an isosceles triangle without comparing any other shapes. If you merely compare the triangles to each other it is only possible to notice the differences, but if you compare both triangles to a square or a circle the similarities between the two triangles stand out. If we merely compare fascism and communism with each other, the superficial appearance of free enterprise can make fascism appear to be right-wing, but if we compare fascism and communism to the social system of free enterprise and limited constitutional government it becomes clear that fascism and communism are different forms of socialism.

 Hitler Was A Socialist

Equating the Right with Nazism is an Old Leftist Ploy, It's Time to Bust the Myth

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