Thursday, December 17, 2020

How A Police State Is Created


There is a simple method to creating a police state that has been used throughout history. (e.g., Nimrod, Napoleon, Lenin, Hitler, etc.) First, a crisis-type situation is utilized or created. (Terrorism, crime rate, child abuse, counterfeiting, sex trafficking, drug money laundering, contagious disease, etc.) The "crisis" is emphasized and propagandized till it becomes a great concern to a significant percentage of the population. Then the would-be tyrant or oppressive government and its accomplices or followers appear to come up with the best or most effective solution to the crisis so many are concerned about. (Of course, the "solution" just happens to increase government intrusion and police power or eliminate safeguards against governmental abuse.) At this point the average citizen is so concerned with dealing with the crisis and finding or effecting a solution that he is willing to go along with what appears to be a good solution without considering and analyzing the potential effects and repercussions.

Some things we are seeing and hearing should alarm us more than a disease, such as:

Be wary of “solutions” offered by “experts” that sound more like a Marxist or Fascist wish list than facts, logic, or actual science. (Look for facts and hard evidence, and remember that the truth can withstand questions, criticism, and analysis.)

Be wary of so-called solutions to crises and social maladies that depend on an assumed natural goodness of man, or an assumed goodness or benevolence of human government, for the solutions to work.  (How many parents ever had to teach a child how to be bad? Humans can choose to do right but sin comes natural because of natural depravity. History demonstrates that any human government, even good government, is dangerous, which is why government must be limited and restricted.)

Keep in mind that we do not live in a perfect world; because humans are flawed from the start there are no perfect solutions, only trade offs.

Marxism: the Bug Wearing an Edgar Suit


Top 10 Signs Americans are Living in a Police State, by Ryan Cristián  


You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists) by Dr. Fred C. Schwarz


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