Friday, January 1, 2021

Feminism Degrades Women



     An important part of the feminist agenda has been persuading women to degrade themselves by mimicking the sexual attitudes, behaviour, and aggressiveness of men, which fulfilled male fantasies,  accommodated the baser insticts of men, and lowered the respect of men for women instead of encouraging women to be the civilising and stabilising influence on men that they are designed to be. Women have tremendous power and influence over men which they relinquish when they trade the complementary role for equality. Women civilise men through marriage, monogamy, and family, and it is very difficult for men to do this on their own without women. But many have become so accustomed to feminism and the feminist agenda that they do not realise that feminism degrades women.

Why did the Bible attach so much importance to feminine virtue? Note that in Bible times it was so offensive for a woman to marry under the false pretense of virginity because this was grossly disrespectful to her family (her father's house) and note also that among the ancient heathens it was common to worship false gods and goddesses by practicing prostitution and in the heathen cultures surrounding the children of Israel a girl was expected to lose her virginity through temple prostitution as an act of worship. (Deuteronomy 22:13, 14, 20, 21) Also, an unmarried woman's virginity was especially valued and respected because the most binding and sacred covenants were those that were sealed or confirmed by the shedding of blood, and marriage is illustrative of Jehovah's union with the Jewish nation under the Law Covenant and Christ's union with His Church. (Isaiah 54:5; Jeremiah 3:14; Hosea 2:19-20; Ephesians 5:23-32; also Exodus 24:3-8; Hebrews 9:18-20; 12:24)

In the ancient world women were often used, abused, discarded, replaced at will, and often regarded as mere chattels, and the extremely low morals of heathen women was a big factor in this. Women were designed to be a civilising and stabilising influence on men, but if they overcome their natural inhibitions they can, and often do, become worse than men. When women are raised to the status of moral superiority over men this naturally compels men to respect women, while loose morals make women cheap and disposable and encourage abuse. (Proverbs 11:16, 22; 12:4; 14:1; 31:10, 11, 28-30)



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